I love bringing a little magick and rituals to the changing of seasons. Engaging in rituals during this time can deepen our connection to ourselve and our hearts, to illuminate our inner light. Creating space inside to explore and harmonize the depths of our inner being as we move trough the season of transformation and growth. Here are some powerful rituals to preform as we enter:

Create an Earth Altar - Take a walk outside and observe nature’s abundance. Make an earth altar with the seasonal elements of nature, like autumn leaves, flowers, rocks or pumpkins. Light a candle and take a moment to honourand appreciate natures cycle of death and rebirth. A beautiful way to remind ourselves that, although nature is entering its dormant period, it will continue to provide for us again and again. Remembering that we as human on this earth are also part of nature, and that there is no point in holding on or attatching to anything, because life is ever changing - abundance is everywhere. Such a beautiful and healing reminder to hold in our hearts during this time.
Purification Ritual - Perform a cleansing ritual on your home using Paulo Santo, Incense or Withe Sage - anything that will clear away old, negative energies and leave you feeling refreshed is a perfect form of ritual. You can also use a drum or your own voice to enhance the process. Dont forget to open a window afterwards, so the old energies can leave your home along with the smoke.

Journaling Practice - Find clarity and create new space inside yourself to plant new seeds for the upcoming cycle. Bring out your notebook and find a comfy space where you can relax and allow your mind to flow freely.
Ask yourself these questions:
🍂What must I give death today in order to generate more life?
🍂What do I know deep down should die, but I am hesitated to let go of?
🍂What must die in order for me to find more freedom within?
Manifesting Magic - Once you've cleansed the space inside and around you, and grounded into the present moment, you can spend some time looking toward the future. I like to write my wish for the upcoming cycel on a bay leaf (or peace of paper) and hold it to my heart while visualizing the wish coming true. Then I burn the leaf and say, 'So shall it be.'" Bay leaves are associated with success and cleansing, so they're the perfect vehicle for this type of manifestation ritual.